What to do?
The summer months in Vicopisano are full of events: concerts, theatre, cinema under the stars, festivals, readings, presentations and food festivals enrich the summer days with pleasant opportunities for escape.
A rich programme of concerts, theatre, exhibitions, street food, festivals, children's activities...for an unforgettable summer in Vicopisano and its territory!
The squares, the small corners, the gardens... come alive with events, large and small, designed for all residents and tourists in Vicopisano.
... and in Summer?
Each season has its own events, organised by local associations or promoted directly by the Municipal Administration.
The queen of the summer is the Summer in Vicopisano, rassegna ventennale che anima le piazze con eventi di varia natura, pensati per incontrare il gusto di tutti: concerti e spettacoli teatrali con le rassegna Festival Musicastrada and Utopia del Buongusto, la lirica con il MontePisanoArtFestival, the Dinner under the Stars, il Cinema under the stars, le letture della biblioteca per i più piccoli, le sagre gastronomiche, mostre artistiche e molto altro ancora… e a settembre la meravigliosa Medieval Festival!
Tutto il programma dell’edizione 2023 di Estate in Vicopisano è qui!
what a summer!
Every season is a show
- The Collectors' Market
- The Theatre Season
- The Oil and the pressing festival
- The fair: Castello in Fiore (Castle in Bloom)
- The Collectors' Market
- The Festa Déi Camminanti (Walkers' Festival)
- The Christmas Festival in Vicopisano
- The Collectors' Market and Christmas Market
- The Presepe dell’Angelo (Angel Nativity scene)
All summer festivals and events here: